Library Renovation



In April 2021, the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees) announced that it authorized Director Kacie Armstrong to solicit statements of qualifications for Owner’s Representative Services in connection with renovating, improving and equipping the Euclid Public Library (Library) (RESOLUTION 9292a and 9292b). The Scope of Services would include, but are not limited to:

Managing and overseeing the entire project as the owner’s representative through all phases of the project, including the planning/programming, design, construction document, bidding/negotiation/GMP, construction, and closeout phases. This entails a review of financial and engineering performances and educational performance goal enhancements.

In September 2021, the Board of Trustees announced it would enter into an agreement with RFC Contracting, Inc. to obtain Owner’s Representative Services to renovate, improve, and equip the Library (RESOLUTION 9331).

In January 2022, the Board of Trustees adopted the resolution to rank the top three firms that responded to the Board’s request for qualifications for professional design services for the renovating, improving, and equipping of the Library, and authorized the Director to enter into contract negotiations with the firm ranked most qualified (RESOLUTION 9380).

The Board determined in February 2022 it would enter into an agreement with Bialosky and Partners, Architects, LLC to obtain a facility condition assessment, programming, and planning services related to the renovating, improving, and equipping of the Library (RESOLUTION 9417).

In April 2022, Bialosky Architects introduced the first of two crucial documents to the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees: the Facility Condition Assessment. This document outlines the current state of the library building. Shortly afterwards, in May 2022, Bialosky also introduced the first draft of the Facility Master Plan, which included seven potential options for renovation.

Over the course of several meetings among Management, as well as the Board of Trustees, those seven options were narrowed down to four, and eventually to one option that was voted on in June 2022. The Library had hoped to proceed with the option to pursue a New Build on the Current Site.

In August 2022, the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees voted to accept both the Facility Condition Assessment and the Facility Master Plan (RESOLUTION 9482).  At this time, the Board of Trustees also voted to extend the contract with Bialosky on an hourly basis. Their involvement with the community will be crucial as the library attempts to secure funding for the renovation (RESOLUTION 9476). In addition, Director Armstrong, Fiscal Officer Piskac, and representatives from Bialosky attended a meeting with Mayor Gail and the City Council to discuss the renovation project, and funding acquisition for it. The Board of Trustees also approved the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System as our strategic planning consultant (RESOLUTION 9475). 

In September 2022, the Fiscal Officer reported that Euclid Public Library was experiencing higher than expected HVAC issues during the course of the year.  By that October 2022, NEO-RLS completed the community survey and focus groups in order to complete the 2023 Strategic Plan. 

Bialosky Cleveland provided a full Outreach Report to the Board of Trustees in November 2022, which showed that 68 residents participated in the groups, with 59% living in the 44123 zip code, and 46% being under the age of 18.  Participants valued gaming, meeting rooms, quiet rooms, and a children’s area.  The full report was accepted on November 15, 2022 (RESOLUTION 9531).

Attorney’s from Squire Patton Boggs participated in the December 20, 2022 Personnel & Finance Committee Meeting to discuss Section 3375.404 of the Ohio Revised Code, which authorizes the Library to issue “library facilities notes” (PLF notes) to finance improvements to Library facilities or other property referred to in 3375.40 of the Revised Code, which PLF Notes are to be secured by the Library’s Public Library Fund (PLF) receipts.

Discussions continued into January 2023, with the Board participating in a Strategic Planning Retreat with NEO-RLS consultants.  In February 2023, the Board of Trustees approved a resolution (RESOLUTION 9588) allowing the Director to pursue a $21.5 million grant application with the George Gund Foundation.  April and May of 2023 the Board continued to meet to discuss funding options for the project.  On May 16, a resolution (RESOLUTION 9633) was passed adopting a declaration of existing levy renewal. In June 2023, the Board adopted a resolution for a Permanent Improvement Levy (RESOLUTION 9653), authorized the Director to enter contract negotiations with Bialosky (RESOLUTION 9668), and authorized the Director to solicit statements of qualifications for Construction Manager At-Risk Services (RESOLUTION 9669). On June 23, 2023 the George Gund Foundation notified Director Armstrong that they “will not support [our] project.”  They also noted that the “seldom support libraries…” This was disappointing news, but EPL Staff appreciated the opportunity to apply for funding.  It should be noted that the Lincoln Electric Foundation declined to support the project, the Cleveland Foundation declined to support the project (unless a majority of funding had already been raised), and the remaining organizations did not respond to the campaign letter. 

Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees met in July 2023 and passed resolutions to proceed with placing a 5.6 millage renewal (RESOLUTION 9674) and a 1.5 millage Permanent Improvement (PI) levy (RESOLUTION 9675) on the ballot this November 7.  The 5.6 millage renewal operating levy will continue to cost the average $100,000 Euclid homeowner $131 per year and the 1.5 millage PI levy will cost the average $100,000 homeowner in Euclid, $52 per year or $5.00 per month.  The money generated from the PI levy will allow the Library to undertake significant improvements to the building.  Euclid School Board members met on July 26, 2023 and passed a resolution in order for the Library to place the levies on the ballot.

Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved the 2023 - 2027 Strategic Plan (RESOLUTION 9684).

In October 2023, the Board of Trustees of the Euclid Public Library placed a legal notice in The Plain Dealer soliciting statements of qualifications for a construction manager-at-risk for the renovating, improving and equipping of the Euclid Public Library.

In November 2023, the residents of Euclid voted for Issue 7, the 5.6 millage renewal operating levy and for Issue 8, the 1.5 millage Permanent Improvement Levy.  According to the unofficial voting results posted on the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections' website, Issue 7 passed with 8,186 votes, a 67.44% approval rate and Issue 8 passed with 7,134 votes, a 59.15% approval rate.  

RFC Contracting participated in the November 21, 2023 Building and Property Committee meeting to discuss the Bialosky Cleveland Contract, next steps and a tentative renovation timeline. The Board of Trustees of the Euclid Public Library passed a resolution to authorize the Fiscal Officer to work with Mike Sharb of Squire Patton Boggs to complete all paperwork and necessary filing to complete the PI levy financing option with PLF notes (RESOLUTION 9730).

In December 2023, the Euclid Public Library interviewed four firms to provide Construction Manager At-Risk Services for the upcoming renovation project.  The Board of Trustees passed a resolution to authorize the Library to enter contract negotiations with the chosen firm (RESOLUTION 9741).

In January 2024, the Euclid Public Library held a Facility kickoff meeting with Bialosky Cleveland Architects. 

The Euclid Public Library’s Board of Trustees passed a resolution to approve Sudsina & Associates to provide Municipal Advisor services during the underwriting process to secure library renovation funding (RESOLUTION 9753).  The Board of Trustees also approved Stifel to underwrite the library municipal securities transaction for series 2024 Bonds and/or Notes (RESOLUTION 9754).  The Fiscal Officer is anticipating completion of the securities sale by the end of May 2024.

Euclid Public Library's Owner's Representative Roger Riachi from RFC Contracting attended the Special Committee Meeting of the Building and Property Committee meeting on January 23, 2024, to discuss the Construction Manager At-Risk contract with Turner Construction. The Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved a resolution to enter into a contract with Turner Construction to renovate, improve and equip the Euclid Public Library (RESOLUTION 9760).

In February 2024, the Euclid Public Library Library held a kickoff meeting with Bialosky Cleveland Architects and Turner Construction.  The Library concluded the Programming and Planning Phase of the renovation project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects.  

In March 2024, the Euclid Public Library entered the Schematic Design Phase of the project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects.  

In April 2024, The Euclid Library Board of Trustees passed a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of Library Facility Notes in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $14,000,000 for the purpose of paying costs of constructing, remodeling, renovating and otherwise improving, equipping and furnishing library buildings and parts of library buildings and other real property, and purchasing personal property, necessary for the proper maintenance and operation of the library (RESOLUTION 9798).

In May 2024,  The Euclid Public Library entered the Design Development Phase of the project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects.  The Library received an A1 Issuer rating from Moody's Investors Services, which will allow the Library to secure the $13.5 million needed for the renovation project.

Stakeholders and patrons are encouraged to stay up-to-date during the Library renovation project by visiting the Library Renovation section of the website, signing up for our eNewsletter, and following us on social media.